
Statistics And The Code Speak Distribution System

This is something I wanted to be inherent to the distribution system. Anytime a program checks for an update, the system would log that request so that ultimately anyone can visit a page and see how many unique users are using each program and the version of the programs being used. I’ve been doing some thinking about this and how it relates to the GDPR and don’t think this is a direction I’d like to go at this time. I have gone over a decade without a statistics system, so it’s not like I have an urgent need for it!

One of the requirements for the GDPR is to make available an option for users to delete their data. Being as I’m not quite sure how I would implement this I don’t think this is something I’d like to do at this time. However, in the future this might be a direction that I can take. Those are my thoughts on the matter.

Trailing Slashes Removed From URLs

This is not something I’ve really consciously thought of until now. With the Code Speak Distribution System, part of the web frontend includes a changelog section for each program. I want to take a similar approach to a project I had done before to track version changes, although not everything on this page will be a part of the web frontend changelog section.

In wanting to get things right, I thought about the URL structure for the pages on my own site. I like the lack of a trailing slash better than I do a slash to end a URL. It is for this reason that the URLs on this site will no longer automatically include the trailing slash.

New Theme And Other Changes

When it comes to the design of my site, the previous theme worked but it wasn’t good enough. The main reason why I chose to go with a new theme was that I wanted to emphasize programming a bit more. To accomplish this I wanted a theme with a header image containing some code from one of my projects. I looked at so many themes trying to find one that worked for me and finally stumbled upon the one you’re looking at now.

Another change I have decided to make is the inclusion of the Contact and Donate pages to the main menu section. They were previously located in the footer on the left-hand side. This doesn’t really help things as someone may wish to get in contact with me or want to donate. The visibility of these links was a necessary part of this theme change.

Another change is that the archives page is now a child of the links page and can be found by hovering over the links item in the top menu.

The social media buttons are now no longer part of the footer but in the header area as smaller buttons.

And as always, do enjoy your stay on my site!

Take Two, Live Chat Restored And Changes

Widgetbot, which is what powers the web chat widget on this website, unfortunately has never been truly stable and because of this, the reliability of the chat experience hasn’t been guaranteed. However, that was version 1 of the software. Earlier today I went to the discord server for the project and asked for support. They told me to sign up for their beta version which I did. They also said that the beta version, also known as version 2, is much more reliable and is recommended. So,  I have decided to go ahead with that.

Another change you’ll notice is that I’ve removed the live chat page. Previously, I was using the embedded version and it was provided on the live chat page. Now, there is a button to the lower right that when clicked will open up the web chat interface. Much more user-friendly because it appears on all the pages, so you can chat from whatever page you’re on!

Battle.Net Services Update

At the bottom of my website in the footer section there used to be a link called Services. This went to a small page that listed the location of my JBLS server, JBLS statistics, and a link to Battle.Net Hashes. That link changed to go directly to the Battle.Net Hashes page (it changed rather recently so I doubt anyone noticed). I’ve since changed the name to Battle.Net Resources. It goes to I primarily made this change because I don’t want to manage the distribution of Battle.Net hashes anymore.

I have also removed the sub-domain as I don’t wish to have that as a service anymore. I actually stopped hosting a public JBLS awhile ago and it was simply a redirect to As I decide where I want to focus development on I want to focus less on Battle.Net development and more on other things.